Contour Diagram

Contour diagram shows how a property changes in a 2D or 3D diagram [2015Che]. The most commonly used contour diagram is the ternary isothermal lines superimposed on a liquidus projection. Another example is the activity contour diagram. Pandat extends contour diagram to many other properties including thermodynamic properties, physical properties and any combination of them. A few examples of useful contour diagrams are given in the following sections. Please keep in mind that Pandat can plot many other contour diagrams beyond these examples.


Activity Contour Diagram

Driving Force Contour Diagram

Partial Molar Property Diagram

Excess Molar Property Diagram

User Defined Contour Diagram

Partial Pressure Contour Diagram

[2015Che] S.L. Chen et al., “Calculation of 2D and 3D Phase Diagrams”, JOM, 67(8) (2015): 1876-1880.